Mobile-Friendly Websites by the Numbers

Smartphones have completely changed the way websites are designed–they are considered to be mobile-friendly if they maintain full functionality when viewed on a phone, and account for issues that may occur if a desktop version is viewed on a smaller screen–such as button sizes, hover animations, and readability. While it was once common practice to […]

Let’s Talk About Animal Symbols

Let’s face it, we’ll take just about any opportunity to talk about our four-legged head of HR, Pixel The-Dog Berry. While Pixel is our unofficial brand ambassador, the practice of using animals in logos and mascots to symbolize aspects of a brand is as old as branding itself–and some of these animals have fascinating origin […]

Let’s Talk About Brand Blurring

We, like many others, were excited when Pandora updated their archaic logo in October. Their move from a stale, rigid serif monogram to a simplified silhouette that allowed for infinite possibilities to play was exciting, and we were thrilled. Recently, however, a point of contention has surfaced: the blue gradient and monogram sans-serif ‘P’ identity […]

This Week in Design: Reviving the Past

It seems like a lot of us have been thinking about the past lately. From renewed interest in iconic logos from the 1970’s to the launch of our work modernizing the identity of the historic Goodwin Hotel, new celebrations of childhood memories of ice cream, and the imagination of Play Doh, this week design news […]

Building on the Past: Helping The Goodwin Hotel Return to Downtown Hartford

These are fast-changing times. All of us of a certain age remember when touch-tone phones and digital watches were the apotheosis of modern technology. Now, kids barely talk on phones and instead of wristwatches, they use their… wait for it… phones. The pace of change is dizzying. It took mankind about 5,300 years to go […]